Can you tell us how you can be a successful executive, a wonderful mother and wife, and healthy and shining at the same time?
I can’t. That is why I found a husband who is willing to take care of children and home for this family, so I can focus on my career.
Being a woman in leadership could be as normal as any business scene nowadays. But it could also be as complicated as any human story you can imagine. We all play so many different roles in life..
It is special because women in leadership today is still within a male-dominated work culture. Women are biologically and psychologically different from men. So of course, women behave and lead differently from men. However, women feel very often that they have to wear certain persona at work in order to fit with the expected leadership image. A lot of times, they have to copy what men would do in work, instead of leveraging female characteristics. But actually, being yourself as a woman leadership could bring you to a higher potentiality of success in career.
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